Labs & Functional Testing



Diagnostic Labs

Functional Testing

In-office Blood Draws

Zyto Scans

Out-of-office Lab & Imaging Orders

Lab Menu

Think of your Nourish doctor as your personal health detective. If something is out of balance, there’s usually a reason. Labs and functional tests are empowering health clues to help us discover WHERE your system is struggling and WHY you’re not feeling your best. In addition, labs help clarify which concerns you should prioritize so that we can not only work preventatively, but proactively on your health.

Zyto Scans:

Zyto technology is an amazing tool that we can use in conjunction with lab testing to help guide our treatment plans with more precision. It tests for what areas or organs are most stressed at that time and for things that would bring your body back into balance- including positive affirmations, specific supplements and treatments.

Every single thing has a frequency, from a particular food, to a pill, to even words we tell ourselves and others.  The scanner tests your body’s response to that frequency so that we can bring balance to your body, mind and spirit.
For more information, see the Q&A below:

Lab Hours:

For your convenience, Nourish offers on-site lab services. Blood draws are scheduled Monday-Friday from 7:30am-2:30pm at Nourish Medical Center. For patients that live out of the area, we can provide lab requisition forms for most of the labs to be drawn at your local blood draw center. For patients that are paying out-of-pocket, you can discuss with our phlebotomist which lab company may be best in order to minimize your out-of-pocket expenses from the lab companies.


Imaging orders:

Part of our job is to make sure you are up to date with your screening tests and early detection. In addition, if we need to order more in-depth imaging, we can provide those orders for you to perform at your closest imaging center. We can place orders for tests including thyroid ultrasounds, breast mammography and ultrasounds, bone density (DEXA), ultrasounds, MRIs, and CT scans.  We frequently work with SonoHealth, Imaging Healthcare Specialists , Carlsbad Imaging Center (open MRIs) and SimonMed Imaging here in San Diego. If you are out of town or a cash-pay patient, you can search for an imaging center on the RadiologyAssist website for additional imaging options.

Lab Companies We Work With:


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Take-home lab kit tutorial videos:

Insurance vs Self-Pay Tests

USB Food Sensitivity Testing and Fingerstick

GI Map Stool Testing

TAP Adrenal Testing

Neurotransmitter & Adrenal Testing

Heavy Metal Testing