New Nourish Weight Loss Program

We all know that millions of people try to lose weight each year, yet most of them are unable to do it, or end up quickly regaining the weight that was lost. 

We understand the frustration because we have seen it firsthand with patients. They come to us frustrated because they feel like they are doing everything right – eating well and exercising but can’t figure out WHY their metabolism hasn’t gotten the message! Truth is, no two people are alike so each treatment has to be individualized to your body, lifestyle, and any imbalances that labs may reveal.

That's why this year we are kicking it off with the launch of our NEW in-office Nourish Weight Loss Program. There are so many one-size-fits-all diets, weight loss packages, and exercise plans that promise to help you lose weight. So, what makes this different? Our intention in creating this program is to bring you personalized, non-judgmental and most importantly science-based medical therapies to help you lose weight but most importantly get you feeling your best.



The Nourish Weight Loss Program includes:

  • Weekly Peptide Injections:
      • Semaglutide: Semaglutide was approved in 2017 as a treatment method for improving blood sugar control in patients with Type-2 diabetes. Semaglutide shows great promise for patients who are having difficulty losing weight. Studies have demonstrated that it can help reduce appetite and cravings in addition to improved glycemic control. The greatest weight loss benefits were observed when Semaglutide was used in conjunction with lifestyle changes.  

      • BPC-157: BPC-157 is a peptide referred to as a “body protection compound” because it can protect and heal the gut lining. BPC-157 has the regenerative ability to promote healing and anti-inflammatory repair for muscles, tissues, the brain and digestive tract.


    • This is a weekly injection done by the patient with initial hands-on instructions, so patients feel confident in self-administration.  For those who prefer, this can also be scheduled and administered in-office for a small additional fee. 

  • Weight Loss Support Online Nourish Program:
    • Our self-paced online program provides food and mindset tips, lab recommendations and lots of resources to help you stay on-track with your weight loss goals. By achieving your ideal weight, you reduce your risk of developing other health problems like heart disease and diabetes.


Trust us, we don’t normally get on the bandwagon when it comes to weight loss.  AND, we LISTEN to our patients!  One of the greatest aspects of our team approach at Nourish Medical Center is that we collaborate on what is working (or not working) for our patients.  With that, we are pretty excited to share the success of our Nourish Weight Loss Program.  


Be sure to talk to your Nourish doctor and call our front desk and mention the new Weight Loss Program to learn more!